Mike + Alex:
A Little Story


Alex is born in the Bronx to parents who study rats (and learning, memory and sleep apnea). It is unclear how many experiments are performed on her and her two siblings. Adolescence is spent playing piano and the flute, being a nerd, and wandering the mall in Nassau County, living the Long Island suburban dream — with a brief interlude in Bristol, England.


Born in Bellingham, Washington to a large animal veterinarian and a microbiologist. Same same, but completely different to Alex. Wholesome, outdoorsy life, spent holding cow flaps open and learning how to hunt, fish + build things (not at the mall).

After college, Alex moves to NYC for a barback life and to commune with pigeons and free-range rats. She decides to go back to school and spends the next 2 years abroad in Dublin, Barcelona and — Indiana. Alex moves to Seattle at age 28 for a non-profit position and discovers she is, in fact, not an indoor cat.

Mike moves to Seattle after college at a liberal arts school, adopts his trusty sidekick, Rusty. Together, they spent the next decade exploring the Washington Coast with friends. Mike learns to surf, climb and becomes a biker, Rusty perfects curling up in a little fluffy ball on the beach.

Mike Meets Alex Meets Mike

After about 200 dates for Alex in Seattle, and 2 for Mike, they go on a date with each other at a bar in Seattle that no longer exists (with some help from a little-known dating app). They spend their first few days birding, rock climbing, canoeing, and camping on the beach. The bar is high.

After many travels, bike camping highs and lows, moving in together, 1,000 house projects, 2,000 delightful trips to visit family and friends, a lifetime’s worth of snuggles with Rusty — Alex and Mike decide it would be a great idea to get married in a country they’ve never been to before. Don’t worry, they hired a wedding planner. They can’t wait to see you there.